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An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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A n   A C C O U N T   o f   t h e   o t h e r   P R I S O N E R S
T r i e d   a t   t h e   sa i d   A S S I Z E S

WI L L I A M  S I M O N D S, was indicted for feloniously stealing a sorrel Mare,  /  the property
of Thomas Law ; he was also indicted for breaking the County Goal  /  of Surrey. ----- Guilty
Death, but Reprieved.

Chriftian Anderson, was indicted for taking away Richard Trevis, an infant of two years  /  
of age, from his mother Ann Trevis, in Kent-street, Southwark, and blinding him, in order   /
to ask charity with him. ----- To be Transported for Seven Years.

Benjamin Day, was indicted for assaulting and robbing John Townson, on Barnes
Common,  /  in the County of Surrey, of three Guineas in Money, his property. ----- Guilty
Death,  /  but Reprieved.

John Brian, was indicted for.opposing and obstructing Joseph Dunkin, Samuel Robins,  /
and Richard Rule, Officers of His Majesty's Customs of the Port of London, in the due ex-/
ecution of their office, and wounding and beating them, contrary to the statute. ----- To be  /
Transported for Three Years.

William Hownsome, was indicted for feloniously stealing one black Gelding, and one
black  /  Mare, at Eastergate, in the County of Sussex, the property of Henry Dickins. -----
Guilty  /  Death, but Reprieved.

Catherine Kelley, was indicted on suspicion of stealing in the dwelling-house of John
Lamb,  /  thirty-nine Guineas in Money, his property .— To be Transported for Seven Years.

Mary Johnson, alias Ann Fulk, was indicted for feloniously stealing from John Betterton,  /
one Silver Watch, with a black String, Key and Seal, his property. ----- Acquitted.

Phillippa Gee, was indicted on her own confession, of being delivered of a bastard child,  /
in the Parish of Epsom, in the County of Surrey, and on suspicion of murdering and
destroy-/  ing the same.------- Acquitted.
John Baker     
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You are here:  home  >  AliasPowditch  >  An Authentic Account - Page 9
An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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