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An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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( 7 )
The Morning of Execution.

Monday April 24, 1770, being the day ap-/ pointed for their execution, they were brought /
down, and after having received the Sacra-/ ment, their irons were knock'd off, and they /
were put into the carts, viz. In the first cart / were Scholas and Joseph Adams : In the other /
cart were George Allen, alias Powditch, / Charles Burkett, and Stephen Dunn. They / all
behaved with great penitence and devotion / to the place of execution; but Powditch, / when
he arose up in the cart, for the execu-/ tioner to perform his duty, he pulled off his / hat and
threw it among the spectators.  The / worthy Divine, who attended them in prison, / and
administered to them the Sacrament, / went in a coach to the place of execution, / where he
prayed with them, and give them / such exhortations and instructions as were ne-/ cessary to
fit and prepare them for that eter-/ nity into which they were soon to launch.
When they had prayed some small time, / their caps were pulled over their eyes, and / the
cart drew away, when they launched in-/ to eternity, to answer for their crimes, be-/ fore a just
and awful God. After their bodies / had hanged the usual time, they were cut / down, and
Scholas, Adams, Burkett, and / Dunn, were put in seperate hearses, which / attended there
for that purpose, by the order / of their friends, but Powditch was put into / a shell, and
delivered to his Brother, who at-/ ded the execution.

Scholas was dressed in a dark fourtout coat / with a friar's cape. Adams was dressed in a /
blue coat with a red cape. Burkett was dres-/ sed in a Thickset frock. Dunn was dressed / in
a sort of a snuff colour'd coat. And Pow-/ ditch  was dressed in a sustain frock; and each / of
them had their hats flop’d   
T h e  D Y I N G  W O R D S,   &c.  o f   S T E P H E N
G  R  E  G  O  R  Y,  a   Ruffian,  who  was  executed  on
Monday  the  9th  of  April,  1770,  at  Esher,  for  the
Murder  of  Mrs.  Herne.
T H I S unfortunate Gregory, was indic-/ ted at Kingston-upon-Thames, on Sa-/ turday the 7th
day of April, 1770, for / that he, not having the fear of God before his / eyes but being moved
and seduced by the / instigation of the Devil, &c. on the 3d day / of this instant, at Esher, on
Mrs. Herne, did /// make a violent assault, and with a certain / knife, made of steel or iron, or
with some / other unlawful weapon, did cut or otherwise / mortally wound, the said Mrs. Herne,
of / which mortal wound she instantly died, to / which indictment he pleaded not guilty, and /
for his trial he put himself upon God and his /
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You are here:  home  >  AliasPowditch  >  An Authentic Account - Page 7
An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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