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An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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( 6 )
tered the Town of Kingston, amidst a great / concourse of people, who appeared to be /
much concerned for their unseemly behaviour / under their unhappy circumstances.

On Monday the 9th day of April, they / were brought back to the New Goal, when / they were
put into the cells; and on the / morning following a worthy Divine attended / them, to administer
such portions of scripture / to them, that might prepare them for a fu-/ ture state; and on the
Sunday before their / execution, they were ordered down from the / cells, and their wives
and friends were ad-/ mitted to them, when a sermon was preached, / suitable to their
unhappy situation. The text / was from the Fourth Chapter of Amos, and the / latter part of the
Twelth Verse,  And because / I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy / God, O Israel.  
Before the Sermon was sung / the Hundred Psalm.

ALL people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:
Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell,
Come ye before him and rejoice.

The Lord, ye know, is God indeed,
Without our aid he did us make :
We are his flock, he doth us feed,
And for his sheep he doth us take.

O enter then his gates with praise,
Approach with joy his courts unto:
Praise, laud, and bless his Name always,
For it is seemly so to do.

For why ? the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is forever sure .
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.

   And after the Sermon, the following Lamen-tation of a Sinner. ///

O Lord, in thee is all my trust,
Give ear unto my woful cry:
Refuse me not that am unjust,
But cast on me thy heav'nly eye.

Behold how I do still lament
My sins wherein I do offend
Shall I for them have punishment,
Since thee to please I do intend ?

No, no, thy will is not so bent .
To deal with sinners in thine ire
But when in heart they do repent.
With speed thou grantest their desire.

To thee therefore still will I cry,
To wash away my sinful crime:
Thy blood, o Lord, is not yet dry,
But that it may help me in time.

Haste, then, O Lord, therefore I pray,
To pour on me thy gifts of grace
That when this life shall pass away,
In heav'n with thee I  may have place.

Where thou dost reign eternally
With God, which once thee down did send
Where angels do incessantly
Sing praise to thee world without end.

During Divine Service they all behaved / decent, and very penitent ; and after it was /
ended, they and their wives were permitted / to be together for some time. It was a very /
affecting scene to see Scholas, Adams, Dunn, / and their wives weeping, and condoling
with / each other on the unhappy occasion; and when / they were ordered back to the cells,
it drew / tears from all the spectators present, to see / them part from each other;  and they
con-/ fessed the  facts they had committed. for which / they were to suffer on the Monday.
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You are here:  home  >  AliasPowditch  >  An Authentic Account - Page 6
An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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