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An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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 Over the next 11 pages are several fascinating cases concerning individuals,
who, during the course of the 1770s committed various crimes, and who paid for
those crimes by being executed by hanging.

Amongst the names appearing on this 232 year old document, is that of one
George Allen, alias Powditch, who, from reading the following pages, will be
found to have been what could best be described (not in a religious form) as a  

Whilst current research has not proven that this George Allen, alias Powditch  
definitely is a family member of the Powditch 'clan', conversely, records have
not disproved such a link, although research is currently continuing into George
and his history.

For a surname as uncommon as Powditch to be used as an alias, is unusual
(whilst if he had been a Powditch, to have used the surname Allen would have
made him stand out less in a crowd!), but it is just possible that 'Powditch' had
been his Mother's maiden name, although until more has been discovered
regarding George and his parentage etc, the latter is (for the moment) pure

I would recommend the whole of the following 11 pages to be read, although I
should point out that actually there are only 4 pages (Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7) which
specifically refer to George Allen, alias Powditch (all of the other pages refer to
other individuals who committed crimes during the same period.  The details
have been included as they provide more than a  'glimpse' into life during that
late eighteenth-century period)

Whilst I have included a photocopy of each of the original pages on each of the
following web-pages, I have also 'transcribed' each of the originals, in order for
them to be more easily read.  In each instance (except for one) the letter 'f' (on
the originals)  -  where relevant   -  has been transcribed as 's' (e.g. 'dreffed' has
been amended to read 'dressed'; 'suftain' as 'sustain' etc).  

Due to the length of each original line, I have not kept to the same number of
words, but rather have inserted a " / " where each line ends.  Hopefully by  the
inclusion of the latter, it will be easier for you to follow the words both on the
transcript as well as on the original document.  

Finally, within the section relating to one  Stephen Gregory (from Page 7
onwards), it has been difficult to ascertain whether Stephen had actually been
a Ruffian or a Russian!  Until something has been proven to the contrary
therefore, I have (despite my concern that the poor man may not have
committed the crime for which he was hanged) entered the wording as 'Ruffian'.

(Please note;  Although I acquired copies of the following pages many years ago, I do
not have any recollection as to who provided them to me.  I am aware however that the
British Museum in London does have a copy of the original booklet, and in the light of the
former, any requests for copies of same should be addressed to that illustrious body).

You are here:  home  >  AliasPowditch  >  An Overview
An Authentic Account of the Trials etc, of the Five Malefactors,
(including George Allen, alias Powditch)
who were Executed at Kennington-Common, on Monday 23 April, 1770,
for the Robberies they had committed in the County of Surrey.
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